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The energy self-sufficient Grabenmeier agricultural farm, Ahlen
Operated by Winkelmann Land & Forst GmbH & Co. KG
Date of commissioning: Disconnection from the grid: 11 February 2020
heating, solar thermal, potable and service water
separation, pressure maintenance, make-up, manifold technology, water storage technology
Performance parameter
3 photovoltaic systems with 30, 30 and 25 kWp
CHP unit with 14 kW electrical and 19 kW thermal output
Battery storage with 135 kWh
2 grid-forming inverters, each 42 kW
The entire farm is energy self-sufficient—no water or electricity from outside. The main energy source is three photovoltaic systems. Excess energy is either stored temporarily in two specially manufactured Reflex storage tanks and/or used for rapeseed oil production in a rapeseed mill. The electricity is also used by heating elements for hot water preparation and backup heating. In case of a shortage of solar energy (e.g. in winter), backup is provided by a CHP unit, which is operated with self-harvested and pressed rapeseed oil. Since the farm, and with it all its animals and inhabitants, is dependent on a reliable energy supply, the entire system must run faultlessly and redundantly
Product solution
Dynamic pressure maintenance
Ventilation: Reflexomat RS 90/1 with Reflexomat primary tank RG 800
Underfloor heating: Variomat
Servitec 35-T vacuum spray-tube degassing system
2× Fillset Impuls make-up fittings
2× Fillsoft softening systems
2× Reflex Storatherm Heat Combi 20000-S
4× EFHR 19KW electro flange heaters
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Achieved goals
Everything from a single source – pressure maintenance, degassing, water make-up, water treatment, and distribution and storage technology, come as a complete system from Reflex and Sinus. This means the products are coordinated with each other, ensuring maximum operational safety and efficiency. State-of-the-art control technology also guarantees monitored and automated operation.