Reflex sales contacts
Your issues are important to us. So that we can help you as quickly and accurately as possible, please choose the relevant sales area for you. We have a presence in many countries and regions across the globe. We are happy to support you from our headquarters in Ahlen or you can contact our sales colleagues close to you directly. Select the relevant region or country for you from the following:
SINUS products
Head of Technical Sales & Product Management | Florian Füssner |
Teamleader Sales Management & Int. Sales | Nele Ransmann |
Your After Sales & Service contact
Our After Sales & Service department provides comprehensive technical support, a wide range of Factory Customer Service and maintenance options as well as answers regarding commercial processing of your current projects. Please select the relevant area for you.
If you have any general queries, please contact
Contact us. Are you a specialist trader, wholesaler, planner, plant constructor, commercial or industrial customer or local authority? We are happy to support you and put you in touch with the relevant contact for you during our general business hours.
Tel.: +49 2382 7069-0
Mon – Fri: 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. CET