Working for your success

Our assertion that we offer our customers excellent products with the latest state-of-the-art technology is based on the fundamental prerequisites of decades of experience, ongoing knowledge-building across all levels, and consideration of the needs of our customers.

Our research and development teams from the different companies and business units in the Winkelmann Group benefit from each other's expertise and create efficient synergies to deliver the highest quality to you, our customers.

Taking the current norms and standards as well as certified production in all production sites into consideration goes without saying. Standards are inspected by independent testing institutes and our proven quality management system ensures a consistently high level of production quality.

Reflex quality is up-to-date.

The documentation for this tested and certified quality is available below for all certified areas and production sites.

Energy Management System

Certificate for the Energy Management System in accordance with DIN EN ISO 50001:2018

Kiwa International Cert GmbH certifies that the company Reflex Winkelmann GmbH has implemented and applies an Energy Management System, which is in compliance with the requirements of ISO 50001:2018.

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Energy Management System

Certificate for the Energy Management System in accordance with DIN EN ISO 50001:2018

Proof has been provided of application in compliance with regulations and is certified for Reflex Winkelmann GmbH and Sinusverteiler GmbH.

0.09 MB ‧ PDFpdf

Environmental Management System

Certificate for the Environmental Management System in accordance with DIN EN ISO 14001:2015

Proof has been provided of application in compliance with regulations and is certified for Reflex Winkelmann GmbH.

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Environmental Management System

Certificate for the Environmental Management System in accordance with DIN EN ISO 14001:2015

Proof has been provided of application in compliance with regulations and is certified for Sinusverteiler GmbH.

0.08 MB ‧ PDFpdf


Certificate for recycling Reflex transport and sales packaging

With this certificate, we confirm that registered transport packaging and commercial sales packaging is collected from the company's customers by Interseroh Partners, that collected transport packaging and commercial sales packaging is recycled, and all requirements of the Packaging Act are met.

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Certificate for recycling SINUS transport and sales packaging

With this certificate, we confirm that registered transport packaging and commercial sales packaging is collected from the company's customers by Interseroh Partners, that collected transport packaging and commercial sales packaging is recycled, and all requirements of the Packaging Act are met.

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Saving resources

Certificate for saving resources

We calculate the following savings have been made through material recycling: 4,477 tonnes of resources and 493 tonnes of greenhouse gases.

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Management system

Certificate for the Management System in accordance with DIN EN ISO 9001: 2015

Proof has been provided of application in compliance with regulations and is certified for Reflex Winkelmann GmbH in accordance with TÜV NORD CERT procedures.

0.12 MB ‧ PDFpdf

Management system

Certificate for the Management System in accordance with DIN EN ISO 9001: 2015

Proof has been provided of application in compliance with regulations and is certified for Sinusverteiler GmbH in accordance with TÜV NORD CERT procedures.

0.13 MB ‧ PDFpdf

Quality management system

Certificate for the quality management system for manufacturer using welding processes

This certificate confirms that the manufacturer uses a quality management system for its production processes. The manufacturer has proven that the welding-related preconditions for the production of pressure equipment are met.

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Product quality

Certificate for the Module D production process – in accordance with Directive 2014/68/EU

This certificate confirms that the manufacturer has introduced and uses a QA system in accordance with the Directive 2014/68/EU. The manufacturer is authorised to mark pressure equipment described and produced within the scope of validity of this QA system with the symbol shown below: CE 0045

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Product quality

Certificate for the Module A2 production control – in accordance with Directive 2014/68/EU

Following inspection of the preconditions, the manufacturer is authorised to mark pressure equipment produced within the scope of validity of the module with the symbol shown below: CE 0045

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Supply chain

AEO-F certificate

Reflex Winkelmann holds AEO (Authorised Economic Operator) status and therefore enjoys the various benefits of simplified customs procedures and ensures a secure supply chain for our goods.

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Master data management

ARGE quality seall

Based on the master article data provided for inspection, Reflex is granted a ‘Green Tick’ rating for DQR-compliant data quality (Deutscher Qualifikationsrahmen (German Qualifications Framework)) in accordance with the Data Quality Guideline 9.0.

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Master data management

ARGE quality seal

Based on the master article data provided for inspection, Sinus is granted a ‘Green Tick’ rating for DQR-compliant data quality (Deutscher Qualifikationsrahmen (German Qualifications Framework)) in accordance with the Data Quality Guideline 9.0.

0.24 MB ‧ PDFpdf